Rachel. Or Siow Kuan. Or Hamster. Or Daniel's ex. No matter what i call her, she was one of the people that has a big influence in my life.
Rachel, was practically the first female friend i got to know since i entered tar college. She is cute, smart and adorable. Of course, girls like her are always taken. So do her. She was Wai Hoe's girlfriend. Sweet and lovely. In fact, they were the couple that was in the same group with me during orientation program. So i think i do have some fate with them, dont I?
Oh yeah, if you think that daniel and rachel sound so familiar with you, you are not wrong. It is just the most common name of the couple that appeared in movies and books. He used that name because of her i think. Sweet isnt it?
The released of SPM results are normally a relief for most of the 2009 candidates. I was lucky for scoring 12As1C. Thanks to English Literature that ruined my whole result slip thou. The release of the SPM result, however, are not quite a happy thing for the couple as Rachel has to make a decision that might influenced her future - whether to stay in tarc to complete A Level or proceed to Taylor for business course on a partial scholarship basis.
I have never involved in a relationship before thus i have totally no idea how she had struggled to make a decision between her future and her boyfriend. I just dont know that love can actually play such an important role in someone's life.
The day before Rachel left us and start a new life in a brand new college and environment, she broke down in front of all of us. That part of memories have been embedded so deep into my head that i still can recall most of the details even until today. It was physics practical, we were asked to conduct an experiment on pendulum and apparently it was Rachel's last lesson in tarc. She was moody for the whole day and after the experiment when daniel had left the class, she cried in front of us, half begging me to take care of her boyfriend. She was so afraid that his boyfriend will no longer concentrate on his studies after she left and was so worry that it would affect his future and his dream of becoming an engineer.
I could not remember the exact number of sms that she had sent me just to ask her boyfriend condition. But what i do remember is the shock that i gained through her love and her care towards her boyfriend. To be honest i was a little bit envy of daniel for being so lucky to have such a caring girlfriend. Both of them let me understand how sweet a love can be and make me someone who was so desperate for love that time. But something that i dont know by that time is they would soon make me feel the other way too.
Things changed. So easy, so fast.
It was suppose to be a happy day where one group of people will have fun, going to mid valley enjoy a movie together and celebrate the end of our exams. It was so hard to find a time where most of the people were free to hangout together, especially on the weekday. However, things normally do not go as smoothly as what you hope.
I dont know is whether the maths paper(which i do badly) or the long dull SWC meeting that have made me so frustrated that day. I become so emotional and blame daniel for some stupid reason. That dispute between us soon ruined my day. It was so hard for me to accept the truth that i was now out of the gang that i used to be, being alone again and forced to join in to another group which i am not that familiar with. What make thing worst is the sms i received later on that day - "does wai hoe behave strangely or stalking a particular girl recently?"
Women are definitely one of the most sensitive creature on earth. They are always the first one to notice a small change in surrounding environment, outer appearance or .... heart. Having dispute with daniel do not means that i never care about his stuff anymore. In fact i felt guilty that time and was finding a chance to apologize to him. I was stunned reading that message and was determined to find out what had happened. I would never want to see them breaking up cause if that really happened, it would not just broke the relationship between them but at the same time will spoil the impression of love to me. You know how much do i envy them before. They just simply represent how sweet and how lovely a couple can be to me.
There is no secret that can be kept forever. It was so soon that i realized what was going on. Thanks to the trip of genting highland.
Being a scout for 5 years do make me quite an adventurous and independent person. It was the last day of college before the holiday begins and the D class has planned an overnight trip to Genting Highland. They have plan to go right after the last lecture of the day. I remember that i oversleep that day and was absent to college. Thanks to the encouragement from nan tyan and invitation from both hoho and jonathan, i decided to went up genting highland alone and met them there. That was yet the other decision that i would never regret in my life.
Depart to Genting by 4.30 from KL Sentral and reach there around 6pm was definitely not a good idea. What make it worst is when you have to go up all ALONE. But no matter what, i was inside the bus after thinking for hours at home. I was reluctant to go up at first because i was somehow scare and not ready to face daniel yet, whom i have just quarrel with not many days ago.
Things start to be clear after a little bit of pool and dinner up there in Genting. Before daniel left, he passed a doll to Linda as gift. It was then i sensed something wrong with him. That doll has caused another dispute between linda and yii huey where the latter proclaim that linda should not have accepted the gift from daniel as he was occupied and not single. Later in that night, after a bit of alcoholic drink, finally i get to know the truth which was so painful to hear - a change in heart in my friend, the friend who once i think hold the most stable relationship with his girlfriend. The friend whom i think was so sweet and lovely with his love before and all of that looks like they will last forever. (Well at least for a longer period?)
I found it hard for me to accept the truth. I found it even harder to accept it when i get to know that Gary has just broke up with his girlfriend too and Vincent was currently in a deep relationship problem with his girlfriend and most probably was going to break up as well. All this events that happened in such a short period of time made me lost my confidence toward love. My impression of love was turned totally upside down. Love is so gray for me at the moment.
I called Rachel. She cried and there was nothing much i can do about it. But something that i know for sure is the crack between me and daniel has just turned bigger and deeper. The friendship that bond us so strong once before seems so fragile now.
My friendship with daniel however does not end at here. Thanks to the orientation program that made us work as a team again. We looked as good and as friendly as before but something that my friend would not know is since the day he broke up with rachel, i never call him daniel anymore. I call him wai hoe.
And the other thing that i have hide is the doll that ended up in the hotel's rubbish bin.
My Friends, My Life
I know that it is strange that i will start to write something again in my long abandoned blog. But it is just that there are something that i feel like splitting out. Most probably nobody will visit my blog but i hope that i could remember what i feel now forever.
8 months and 15 (or 14?) days passed since i entered tarc. Too many things have happened that i can barely remember most of them. But there are still something that i would never forget forever - my friends and my college life in tarc.
I still can remember the day before i enter tarc. Childish, naive and got totally no idea of my life. My first impression of tarc was actually not too good thou. Thanks to all those rumors that i have heard and those historical (old) buildings in tar college.

College life in tarc has officially announced a totally new phrase in my life. Apart from the long, dull and boring life before, i knew that i was going to have a totally different life since the first day of the orientation. I am going to be reborn to another person. Someone with different life and personalities.
I am not someone with good memories. I tend to forget things frequently and in fact i cant even remember most of my primary classmates. However, certain things and people do caught my attention since the first day of orientation.
I am alone for the first day. None of my friends back in secondary school have decided to enter tarc. Most of them went to Taylor for A level. Yeah, i am quite nervous and afraid for the first day. However i do know 1 of my tuition friend is going to tarc. He is no other than Pius - my first friend in tarc.
Pius, the only person that i know for the first day. But too bad he was with his chong hwa gang. I am too shy and afraid to join in to their group that day. But it was lucky that i saw someone that i am familiar with. 1 of the 3 MBS guy that entered tarc with me - tee ken.
To be honest, the only thing that i knew about ken at that time was only his name. (sound sarcastic?) To my surprise, he invited me to sit with him, which make me feel a lot comfortable at that time. Try imagine that you have found something to hold on after floating on the sea for few days because that was exactly what i felt that time. He was kind and friendly, unlike his face that gave me the impression that he is LANCI. Not as serious and fierce like what he used to be back in MBS. Thanks for not making me too lonely for the first few days ken. You are seriously a great friend.

Let me tell you a secret. I has been a coward for the past 17 of my life. I got totally no confidence in myself. To be honest, i seriously think that i am sucks. I was never a good friend, good student nor a good child. Inferior is what i felt all of the time before. That is the reason why i never even dare to talk to a girl i like for the past 3 years. I felt like a nobody in front of her. That's why i always mimic those who i felt is outstanding. Just to make myself someone qualified for her. And on the first day itself, i met with someone whom i think is extremely sharp - Jonathan.
Yes, you might not believe it but the first person i notice in tarc is not a pretty girl but a guy. (i'm not gay thou) He is just like a spotlight. Always outstanding among others. His handsome face is one factor but the other things that attract me about him is that he was alone too. Pretty much like me. I have think of making him the first friend of me in tarc but too bad i just dont have the guts to do that. Inferior in front of him i think? Haha.
Try imagine a guy who came from a school which surrounded by boys. What make it worst is this dumb yet ordinary boy has no female friend for all of his secondary school life. Not even talk to girls for few times during his teenage period actually. So, what would he do after he enter an environment where there is tons of girls which is same age with him? Turn to a werewolf that is eager for girls? No actually. He just turn to be someone that is self-abased.
SM. That girl that has been haunting my life for almost 3 years. I never know that i will fall for her for such a long period. I cant remember how many times that i and my friends have advised me to let her go from my life. But sometime it is just not that easy for you to forget someone. Not after she have penetrated that deep into your heart. Ok, what's so big and so hard to let go a girl that has less than 10 lines of conversation with you for the past 3 years? Well, even thou it is just 10 lines through mouth but there is more than 3 billions sentences that i have spoken to her through my heart. That's is why it is so hard to forget a girl for me.
The end of spm does not make me happy at all. Because it just simply means that there will be no more chances for me to secretly admire her from the side. And it also means that i am going to miss my favorite 4 hours each week. It just means that i am gonna to lost something i have been keeping for the past 3 years - my love. 1 month of rest do make me feel better and soon the nervousness that i am going to start college make her shadow slowly fade away from my heart.
But how the FUCK would you feel when you saw somebody that looks similar to her and have the same temperament with her appear in your life again? For me. The appearance of her do make my heart beat like a mad bull again after losing sm in my life. Well do i mention the girl name yet? No? Well she is siew li. But am i going to tackle and talk to her this time? No i am not going to do that. Why? Well dont forget, i am coward. Oh yeah. i still remember the first time i met her. Orientation second day sitting on the highest row of the lecture hall wearing a shirt. Eventually she sit on the next table of mine when i went canteen for food. Well, not to mention that the food really spoil my mood thou. I have never ate mix rice that sucks before in my life. Only good thing about that rice is it only cost me RM1.90, which is surprisingly cheap.
Orientation programs. It was so damn lame and bored. Only good thing for me is that i able to get some new friends. (Lost contact with most of them now. which is something that make me regret) Well. I got to admit that i notice this couple since i have been assign to my group. Well. I have never involve in any relationship before and you could not blame me for keep stalking both of them throughout the orientation programs. I was curious and somehow envy by looking them to be so lovely. Oh by the way, they 2 walk as Fast as a snail. =.= Sometime in your life, you just have to believe in fate. I have totally no idea that this couple will be part of my classmate by that time. And yes. 2 of them do played an very important role in my life later on.

My elder sister was entirely a different person with me. She is cheerful, outgoing, confidence, charming and have lots of leadership in herself. Of course, girls like her are often surrounded by tons of guys and have uncountable friends all around. I was actually a "sister boy" as my sister play a very important role in my growth. She is the one who changed me from a nerdy boy to someone who understand fashion. Not only that, she is the one who taught me to be confidence and lead me to be on the right path of being a true and worthy friend to all. You probably would not believe that i never even buy 1 cloth on my own before during the secondary school period. And not to mention that the coconut hairstyle that has accompanied me since i was small to form 4. My sis was the one who start to transform me and i sincerely appreciate and grateful that i have a sister like her. But what most important is that she taught me something very important. That is to be able to get some true friends, first you have to be brave. You must have to courage to make new friends by starting a conversation and most importantly you must be sincere.
My secondary school life was never a perfect one. Despite of the fact that i was in a god damn BOY school, i was lonely. Due to my ego-ness and my stupidity in handling a relationship with people, i have friends who you could count finish with 1 hand. No man is an island. Nobody could live without interacting with others. Me too. It was a painful experience for me. Even my best friend whom i have know since i was 4 years old was reluctant to talk to me at that time. I am alone for some period, which is some terrible experience that i would never wish to have again in my life. Yes, i admit that i am scare of loneliness, i am scare of being abandoned. Men never realized their own mistake until they feel the pain of it. I have decided to change. I am enough of those days where computer and novels were my only friend. I want to make myself more popular. I want to have more friends. I want some friendship from people. I just dont want to be alone again.
I have transformed. I changed my attitude. I make stupid jokes. I do stupid stuff. And most importantly i act stupid most of the time. I start to have friends. I feel the sweetness that i gained from friendship. i feel that i have been accepted by people. I am happy. I start to appreciate each of every friend i got. I would never ever want to lose them again. Since that day onwards, friends have been the first priority of my heart. Way above my family and other stuff. I appreciate all of my friends and i love them.
Friends have become something that was so holy in my life. I treated every friendship heavily because they are one of the main support in my life.
So now you could understand why i was so eager to make more friend when i enter tarc. Hoho and Zack was one of the first batch of friend that i make in tarc. Thanks to Pius who introduced them to me. I never realized that there is someone whom attitude and taste was so similar to me before like Hoho. We share the same taste, we stalk the same girl, we like the same stuff and it was somehow weird when you looking at someone who is so similar to you. Too bad Zack left tarc after few months. Kinda miss him sometime too.

Biology. I dont like this subject at all. I am not going to take medical field jobs as my career anyway. Doctor, pharmacist or bio tech was bullshit to me. I just have no positive feelings towards this part of the world. Anyhow, i dont think i am noble so i am not qualified to be a doctor thou. The only reason that i took biology is simply because it is an easier subject to score A compare to further maths. Just simply as that and i was glad i make the right decision. Not because i love the subject but is i love my course mates. I got those friends i dream for for a long time especially people from my class - SJ11E.
SJ11E. The class for students with the worst forecast results. I was somehow depressed for entering this class at the begining because all of my new friends were in the other classes. Pius, hoho, zack and most of the chong hwa's people was in D class, together with some pretty girls while ken was in C class. Again i am lonely. The first time i met my classmate was in maths tutorial. Not pretty good impression thou. Only half of the class was chinese (I'M NOT RACIST) and most importantly i have fail to spot any pretty girls in my class.
Moment later, i was surprised by the couple who was with the same group with me during the orientation. Too bad they never recognized me at all. Then i met this 2 fellows who were late for the class - fang shiang and jenn. I was shock by looking at them. both are so tall and mature compare to me. I felt so small in front of them. it is odd that i suddenly got the courage to approach them and introduce myself to them. That must be one of the smartest decision that i have made in my life. Because this action just simply bring me one of my best friend now to me.

Then is the fat K(Gary). He is huge and was pointed as the assistant class rep later on in the class. I barely recognized him the second day as he wore contact lenses that day. Wooo, i love his Mohawk.

It is just so easy to be familiar and mix around with each other when there is chemistry around you. I make friends with fs and jenn quickly. We talk a lot of bullshit in class and they could say is my first friend in SJ11E. However, i was a bit greedy. I hope for more friends so eventually i combine our class people to one big gang. Held by one big strong bond call friendship. Thanks to Gary's birthday which made us so united compared to other classes where most of the people still stuck in their safety zone and stick with their old friends.
It is hard to find friends who could held a nice conversation and build a strong friendship with you. It is even harder for you to find A BUNCH OF FRIEND who not only make good friend with you but at the same time share the same hobby. I would say this is fate maybe? We were so surprised after knowing all of us sharing the same hobby - basketball. Sports is the easiest way for men to build their friendship and through basketball our friendship strengthen again.
I am typical Chinese which means that i do love Chinese food more than other foods. Pan Mee, of course is one of my favorite. Thanks to the recommendation from Mira and all my hostel friend like Jennifer, Ace, FS etc, we found this Pan Mee shop located at TBR. It was very much different from the usual pan mee we ate at those hawker stall. The exquisite food and environment made us fall in love with that place since the first day. Since that day onwards, we have become the frequent customer of that shop, especially on every Wednesday where we have 2 hours break in between. Credits to Gary and Daniel who own a car which gave us a lot of flexibility.

People always love to be surprised. And if you are finding for someone who will surprise you, Vincent Chew is the one you are looking for. Vincent, was the most unexpected one among our gang. He was so quiet and moody at the beginning of the day but he turned out to be the one who brought us most joy. He was hilarious, funny and humor which make him a really very good friend. I love hearing him sings too. It was nice and if you got chance hearing him sing (especially those old songs), you will fall in love with his vocal.

Playing basketball, talking almost every craps that you could ever imagine and eating pan mee. That's how i passed my first few months of my college life. It was the kind of life that i have always wanted for when i was in secondary school. Having a bunch of friends that you could talk to, doing everything that you want to do and most importantly live the way of life you want. That's my dream. I was so happy and satisfied with my life at that moment. My life was just simply brilliant at that time.
But just like any other things that exist in this world. Nothing will stay immortal forever. Even the sweetest and the most beautiful things will fade one day. Just like the perfect life i got that time.
Things changed. Easily.
8 months and 15 (or 14?) days passed since i entered tarc. Too many things have happened that i can barely remember most of them. But there are still something that i would never forget forever - my friends and my college life in tarc.
I still can remember the day before i enter tarc. Childish, naive and got totally no idea of my life. My first impression of tarc was actually not too good thou. Thanks to all those rumors that i have heard and those historical (old) buildings in tar college.

College life in tarc has officially announced a totally new phrase in my life. Apart from the long, dull and boring life before, i knew that i was going to have a totally different life since the first day of the orientation. I am going to be reborn to another person. Someone with different life and personalities.
I am not someone with good memories. I tend to forget things frequently and in fact i cant even remember most of my primary classmates. However, certain things and people do caught my attention since the first day of orientation.
I am alone for the first day. None of my friends back in secondary school have decided to enter tarc. Most of them went to Taylor for A level. Yeah, i am quite nervous and afraid for the first day. However i do know 1 of my tuition friend is going to tarc. He is no other than Pius - my first friend in tarc.
Pius, the only person that i know for the first day. But too bad he was with his chong hwa gang. I am too shy and afraid to join in to their group that day. But it was lucky that i saw someone that i am familiar with. 1 of the 3 MBS guy that entered tarc with me - tee ken.
To be honest, the only thing that i knew about ken at that time was only his name. (sound sarcastic?) To my surprise, he invited me to sit with him, which make me feel a lot comfortable at that time. Try imagine that you have found something to hold on after floating on the sea for few days because that was exactly what i felt that time. He was kind and friendly, unlike his face that gave me the impression that he is LANCI. Not as serious and fierce like what he used to be back in MBS. Thanks for not making me too lonely for the first few days ken. You are seriously a great friend.

Let me tell you a secret. I has been a coward for the past 17 of my life. I got totally no confidence in myself. To be honest, i seriously think that i am sucks. I was never a good friend, good student nor a good child. Inferior is what i felt all of the time before. That is the reason why i never even dare to talk to a girl i like for the past 3 years. I felt like a nobody in front of her. That's why i always mimic those who i felt is outstanding. Just to make myself someone qualified for her. And on the first day itself, i met with someone whom i think is extremely sharp - Jonathan.
Yes, you might not believe it but the first person i notice in tarc is not a pretty girl but a guy. (i'm not gay thou) He is just like a spotlight. Always outstanding among others. His handsome face is one factor but the other things that attract me about him is that he was alone too. Pretty much like me. I have think of making him the first friend of me in tarc but too bad i just dont have the guts to do that. Inferior in front of him i think? Haha.
Try imagine a guy who came from a school which surrounded by boys. What make it worst is this dumb yet ordinary boy has no female friend for all of his secondary school life. Not even talk to girls for few times during his teenage period actually. So, what would he do after he enter an environment where there is tons of girls which is same age with him? Turn to a werewolf that is eager for girls? No actually. He just turn to be someone that is self-abased.
SM. That girl that has been haunting my life for almost 3 years. I never know that i will fall for her for such a long period. I cant remember how many times that i and my friends have advised me to let her go from my life. But sometime it is just not that easy for you to forget someone. Not after she have penetrated that deep into your heart. Ok, what's so big and so hard to let go a girl that has less than 10 lines of conversation with you for the past 3 years? Well, even thou it is just 10 lines through mouth but there is more than 3 billions sentences that i have spoken to her through my heart. That's is why it is so hard to forget a girl for me.
The end of spm does not make me happy at all. Because it just simply means that there will be no more chances for me to secretly admire her from the side. And it also means that i am going to miss my favorite 4 hours each week. It just means that i am gonna to lost something i have been keeping for the past 3 years - my love. 1 month of rest do make me feel better and soon the nervousness that i am going to start college make her shadow slowly fade away from my heart.
But how the FUCK would you feel when you saw somebody that looks similar to her and have the same temperament with her appear in your life again? For me. The appearance of her do make my heart beat like a mad bull again after losing sm in my life. Well do i mention the girl name yet? No? Well she is siew li. But am i going to tackle and talk to her this time? No i am not going to do that. Why? Well dont forget, i am coward. Oh yeah. i still remember the first time i met her. Orientation second day sitting on the highest row of the lecture hall wearing a shirt. Eventually she sit on the next table of mine when i went canteen for food. Well, not to mention that the food really spoil my mood thou. I have never ate mix rice that sucks before in my life. Only good thing about that rice is it only cost me RM1.90, which is surprisingly cheap.
Orientation programs. It was so damn lame and bored. Only good thing for me is that i able to get some new friends. (Lost contact with most of them now. which is something that make me regret) Well. I got to admit that i notice this couple since i have been assign to my group. Well. I have never involve in any relationship before and you could not blame me for keep stalking both of them throughout the orientation programs. I was curious and somehow envy by looking them to be so lovely. Oh by the way, they 2 walk as Fast as a snail. =.= Sometime in your life, you just have to believe in fate. I have totally no idea that this couple will be part of my classmate by that time. And yes. 2 of them do played an very important role in my life later on.

My elder sister was entirely a different person with me. She is cheerful, outgoing, confidence, charming and have lots of leadership in herself. Of course, girls like her are often surrounded by tons of guys and have uncountable friends all around. I was actually a "sister boy" as my sister play a very important role in my growth. She is the one who changed me from a nerdy boy to someone who understand fashion. Not only that, she is the one who taught me to be confidence and lead me to be on the right path of being a true and worthy friend to all. You probably would not believe that i never even buy 1 cloth on my own before during the secondary school period. And not to mention that the coconut hairstyle that has accompanied me since i was small to form 4. My sis was the one who start to transform me and i sincerely appreciate and grateful that i have a sister like her. But what most important is that she taught me something very important. That is to be able to get some true friends, first you have to be brave. You must have to courage to make new friends by starting a conversation and most importantly you must be sincere.
My secondary school life was never a perfect one. Despite of the fact that i was in a god damn BOY school, i was lonely. Due to my ego-ness and my stupidity in handling a relationship with people, i have friends who you could count finish with 1 hand. No man is an island. Nobody could live without interacting with others. Me too. It was a painful experience for me. Even my best friend whom i have know since i was 4 years old was reluctant to talk to me at that time. I am alone for some period, which is some terrible experience that i would never wish to have again in my life. Yes, i admit that i am scare of loneliness, i am scare of being abandoned. Men never realized their own mistake until they feel the pain of it. I have decided to change. I am enough of those days where computer and novels were my only friend. I want to make myself more popular. I want to have more friends. I want some friendship from people. I just dont want to be alone again.
I have transformed. I changed my attitude. I make stupid jokes. I do stupid stuff. And most importantly i act stupid most of the time. I start to have friends. I feel the sweetness that i gained from friendship. i feel that i have been accepted by people. I am happy. I start to appreciate each of every friend i got. I would never ever want to lose them again. Since that day onwards, friends have been the first priority of my heart. Way above my family and other stuff. I appreciate all of my friends and i love them.
Friends have become something that was so holy in my life. I treated every friendship heavily because they are one of the main support in my life.
So now you could understand why i was so eager to make more friend when i enter tarc. Hoho and Zack was one of the first batch of friend that i make in tarc. Thanks to Pius who introduced them to me. I never realized that there is someone whom attitude and taste was so similar to me before like Hoho. We share the same taste, we stalk the same girl, we like the same stuff and it was somehow weird when you looking at someone who is so similar to you. Too bad Zack left tarc after few months. Kinda miss him sometime too.

Biology. I dont like this subject at all. I am not going to take medical field jobs as my career anyway. Doctor, pharmacist or bio tech was bullshit to me. I just have no positive feelings towards this part of the world. Anyhow, i dont think i am noble so i am not qualified to be a doctor thou. The only reason that i took biology is simply because it is an easier subject to score A compare to further maths. Just simply as that and i was glad i make the right decision. Not because i love the subject but is i love my course mates. I got those friends i dream for for a long time especially people from my class - SJ11E.
SJ11E. The class for students with the worst forecast results. I was somehow depressed for entering this class at the begining because all of my new friends were in the other classes. Pius, hoho, zack and most of the chong hwa's people was in D class, together with some pretty girls while ken was in C class. Again i am lonely. The first time i met my classmate was in maths tutorial. Not pretty good impression thou. Only half of the class was chinese (I'M NOT RACIST) and most importantly i have fail to spot any pretty girls in my class.
Moment later, i was surprised by the couple who was with the same group with me during the orientation. Too bad they never recognized me at all. Then i met this 2 fellows who were late for the class - fang shiang and jenn. I was shock by looking at them. both are so tall and mature compare to me. I felt so small in front of them. it is odd that i suddenly got the courage to approach them and introduce myself to them. That must be one of the smartest decision that i have made in my life. Because this action just simply bring me one of my best friend now to me.

Then is the fat K(Gary). He is huge and was pointed as the assistant class rep later on in the class. I barely recognized him the second day as he wore contact lenses that day. Wooo, i love his Mohawk.

It is just so easy to be familiar and mix around with each other when there is chemistry around you. I make friends with fs and jenn quickly. We talk a lot of bullshit in class and they could say is my first friend in SJ11E. However, i was a bit greedy. I hope for more friends so eventually i combine our class people to one big gang. Held by one big strong bond call friendship. Thanks to Gary's birthday which made us so united compared to other classes where most of the people still stuck in their safety zone and stick with their old friends.
It is hard to find friends who could held a nice conversation and build a strong friendship with you. It is even harder for you to find A BUNCH OF FRIEND who not only make good friend with you but at the same time share the same hobby. I would say this is fate maybe? We were so surprised after knowing all of us sharing the same hobby - basketball. Sports is the easiest way for men to build their friendship and through basketball our friendship strengthen again.
I am typical Chinese which means that i do love Chinese food more than other foods. Pan Mee, of course is one of my favorite. Thanks to the recommendation from Mira and all my hostel friend like Jennifer, Ace, FS etc, we found this Pan Mee shop located at TBR. It was very much different from the usual pan mee we ate at those hawker stall. The exquisite food and environment made us fall in love with that place since the first day. Since that day onwards, we have become the frequent customer of that shop, especially on every Wednesday where we have 2 hours break in between. Credits to Gary and Daniel who own a car which gave us a lot of flexibility.

People always love to be surprised. And if you are finding for someone who will surprise you, Vincent Chew is the one you are looking for. Vincent, was the most unexpected one among our gang. He was so quiet and moody at the beginning of the day but he turned out to be the one who brought us most joy. He was hilarious, funny and humor which make him a really very good friend. I love hearing him sings too. It was nice and if you got chance hearing him sing (especially those old songs), you will fall in love with his vocal.

Playing basketball, talking almost every craps that you could ever imagine and eating pan mee. That's how i passed my first few months of my college life. It was the kind of life that i have always wanted for when i was in secondary school. Having a bunch of friends that you could talk to, doing everything that you want to do and most importantly live the way of life you want. That's my dream. I was so happy and satisfied with my life at that moment. My life was just simply brilliant at that time.
But just like any other things that exist in this world. Nothing will stay immortal forever. Even the sweetest and the most beautiful things will fade one day. Just like the perfect life i got that time.
Things changed. Easily.
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